Dear Friends i am restructuring this site online until end of July 2022, where i hope to show the new interactive presentation.
You are invited to navigate trough the site. some sections may be faulty, mind the gap and excuse for the inconvenience, but the project needs to evolve.
Antonio Nodar
2016-17 Paris Album
Making Off Images and video documenting the Paris Album construction.
Opening Images documenting the exhibition
Diptychs Portraits and self-portraits from 210 participating artists
Presented at Jour et Nuit Culture, Pza Saint Michel. Paris
Fontenay sous Bois La Fonderie. Pole de creation artistique Participation aux Nuit Blanche

Making Off Images documenting the A Coruña Album construction.
Opening Images documenting the Opening and Exhibition.
Diptychs Portraits and self-portraits from 167 participating artists.
Presented at Museo de Arte Contemporaneo Gas Natural Union Fenosa. A Coruña.
2013. Catalunya
Sabadell. Art al Suis p2sp conference …Mariona Milla and Antonio Nodar

Making Off Images documenting the construction
Opening Images documenting the Exhibition and Opening
Diptychs Portraits and self-portraits from 270 participating artists.
Presented at Palacio Nacional, San Salvador.
Conferences Panchimalco, Casa Taller Encuentros, Centro Nacional de Artes ( C.E.N.A.R )

Opening and Exhibition Images documenting the Exhibition and Opening
Diptychs Portraits and self-portraits from 316 participating artists.
Presented at Patan Museum, Kathmandu.
Kathmandu Artudio, p2sp Conference.
2013 Vimianzo
Sala de Exposicions Anton Mouzo. Casa da Cultura ... from portrait to self-portrait ... Vol.1, book launch.
2013 Kholn NepalNow exhibition.

2011. Barcelona
…from portrait to self-portrait… Vol.1 Bound as a hardback, Real Cloth Assuan 5069. Binding hand made. 512 pages. Weight : 6 kg 150 grams.
Making Off Images and Video documenting the printing and binding
Opening Launch Palo Alto, Gallery. Vol.1 Book Launch
Blainville, Normandie. Maisonoire Gallery Vol.1 Book Launch
London. Hoxton, The Hundred Year Gallery. Making Off and Launch Vol.1 Book Launch

Opening Presented for the first time at Maria Jose Castellvi Gallery
Best Gallery Exhibition award year 1997 by ACCA (Associacio Critics Catalans d’Art).
Diptychs Portraits and self-portraits from 161 participating artists