© Antonio Nodar / Luc Arrignon
Peintures calligraphiques
Né à Madagascar, cette empreinte magique m’est indélébile.
J’écris mes pensées au fur-et-à-mesure, aux couleurs de mes impulsions.
Je réécris par-dessus des centaines de fois pour atteindre le point jubilatoire où ça me parle. Les calligraphies initiales empilées ne se distinguent plus, devenant matière de mémoire.
Dans ce tissage, j’accentue ou j’atténue sans jamais effacer.
Je qualifie mon travail de “sur-calligraphie”. J’y retrouve rythme et euphorie de l’état de très longue marche.
Calligraphic painting
Madagascar, where I was born, has left its permanent and magical mark on me.
I write my thoughts down as they come, using colors impulsively.
I write over my work again and again, hundreds of times, until I reach that exhilarating point where things just make beautiful sense for me. The initial calligraphies cannot be distinguished once they have been stacked up and become matter and memory. With this weaving work I accentuate or soften without ever erasing.
I describe my work as «Over -calligraphy». In it, I find euphoria and rhythm, that is like having been a very long walk.